Thursday, 26 April 2007

And finally...for a while..

Well, two weeks on from seeing Dr Braybrooke, and once again I have been totally overwhelmed by the outpourings of joy and happiness at my good news and things really are almost back to normal. I thought I had been coping quite well but now I know that the treatment was effective, I am definitely coping very well! I've still not quite got my energy levels back but I've been managing to run regularly since the beginning of April...not very far and not very fast but still running...just!! And, I must keep reminding myself of the value of every day of my life and not get sucked into the petty, meaningless stuff that in the grand scheme of things is not that important - easier said than done!!

The only residue of my treatment is my daily Bondorat tablet which strengthens my bones but has to be taken first thing in the morning half an hour before eating or drinking and I have to stay upright for an hour after taking it. Much to Martin's delight, I am now first up and on packed lunch duty!!

And I must just big up Dr B one last time - I have such confidence in him and he is such a genuinely nice bloke. He was so lovely the last time we saw him and almost as pleased as we were. He couldn't wait to tell us the scan news and he had even tried to phone us on the Thursday before so we didn't have to spend the Easter weekend worrying and wondering. Much as I like him, I'm in no rush to see him again!

Unfortunately, I have had to take the decision not to do the fundraising Sun Walk as it's going to clash with Martin's 40th birthday celebrations. As my birthday was so caught in all the trauma of the early days I feel that we must do it properly for Martin...although I'm sure there's nothing he'd like more than to spend his birthday with thousands of half-dressed women!!

But, my sister Anna is going to do the Moon Walk in Edinburgh - she will walk 26 miles through the night of 16th June wearing a bra to raise money for breast cancer research, cancer care and for the provision of cold caps in all NHS hospitals. Apart from all you guys, the cold caps and being able to go out without the classic stigma of cancer were the most important things that kept me going through my treatment. It would be great if everyone undergoing chemotherapy could have the opportunity to wear them. If you would like to sponsor Anna on her walk, please visit

So, I'm blogging off for a while but if there are any developments I'll be straight back - I'm seeing Dr B next on June 12th. The bus is going into the garage but keep your tickets in a safe place! I want everyone back on board if my life takes another detour.

Thanks to you all for blogging, for reading, for e-mailing, for phoning, for sending gifts and flowers and for caring so much. You really made a difference.

Love Vicky xx

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Let's celebrate..

It's the best news. The bone scan report read 'almost all the areas of abnormal activity have been resolved' and the conclusion was 'excellent response to treatment'. What a relief - we never expected that. We are so happy. Dr Braybrooke was happy - he said it's the best result we could hope for.

So, no more treatment for a while - I'll see Dr B again in a couple of months and then have another scan in a couple of months after that but, generally, life is back to normal. The cancer will come back one day but, at least, we know it responds to treatment.

Hooray, hooray.

Thanks to you all for keeping me going through these last few months.

Loads of love

Vicky xxxx