Tuesday, 7 August 2007

No more bad hair days..

One week on and I still feel ok - not 100% - I feel a bit jaded and glazed but it's not stopping me doing much at the moment. Iona is at my Mum's until Friday and is having lots of fun with her cousins. We did a handover at her grandparents' house in Lancashire. Helen and Andy helped us with the transport logistics and then helped us get hooked on Nintendo Wii.....ours has arrived this morning so games night for us tonight!!

Not only did we leave Iona up north but I left my hair there too!! After a couple of days of excrutiating itchiness and soreness, my hair started to come out in clumps so Helen clipped it all off. It was quite traumatic but quite a relief when it was all off. So, I'm getting used to my new look - I've got a supply of bandanas and Martin and I went to Cardiff yesterday to choose a wig. Hopefully, it will arrive in the next couple of days..in time for the wedding this weekend. I'll post a picture when it comes!!

Other than that, yesterday, I met with Lynne from St Peters' Hospice - interesting to find out what they do but something I can park for a while. She had some good ideas about stuff to do with Iona and top of her birthday list now is a digital camera so that she and I can make a holiday diary when we go up to Scotland later this month. Martin and I also had a very positive meeting at the solicitors - good to get more stuff sorted - and I had a lovely night out with Karen and Kate.

Vicky xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,

I am humbled to read the comment you wrote on the morning of our wedding (28 july). How brave you are. Hope you enjoyed the day and that you enjoy the wedding this coming weekend - hope the weather is kinder and that wellies won't be an option this time!!

Speak soon.

loads of love and hugs,

Mrs Judy Ridout xxxx (think I should have kept my maiden name!!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

You somehow manage to look great even without hair!! can't wait to see the wig - how much easier is that to manage every morning !! you may well start a new trend....

Sending all my love from a very quiet and lonely office, (everyone's on holiday!!)


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky!

I just have to say that you look really good (even without your hair!) Like Mic said, can't wait to see you with your wig.

Lots of love, Sanne xx

Anonymous said...

Well hello!!!

Lou and I are hoping that you choose something wild for the wig, cant wait to see it.

Do hope you are enjoying this fantastic weather, as Mic said its very quiet in QS at the mo, so any visitors are gratefully received.

Let us know when you are coming, and we may even splash out and get cakes!!!

Loads of love,
Two bad girls in prison cell (Hels & Lou) xx

Anonymous said...

The lack of hair just means it's not there to distract from the blue of your eyes.

You're looking good.

Luke & family.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the pink bandana, knowing you I'm sure they'll all be pink. I can't wait to see your new wig, will it be pink too?!

Lots of love Em xxx

Anonymous said...

Fair play to you for getting the clippers out. It must have been traumatic, as even trips to the hairdressers during my permed years were scary!

The good thing is that when looking back at old photos, the one thing people always say is "oh my god, look how bad my hair was". So at least now you'll have no more dodgy old fashioned hair styles in photos (clearly not aimed at you directly!). You'll always be in vogue!

I could pop down to Peckham High street for you if you fancy. There's hundred of wig shops, it's the absolute must to be cool in my neck of the woods.

Lots of love
Bexs xx

p.s. hope you got my card, I had to guess the number of your road a bit and got help from Googlemaps. If you haven't got it, it's at number 53!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

As I said at the weekend, you look sexy hair or not. I hope that the fresh air on your scalp has helped relieve the itching.

Sorry for causing the Wii addiction. My arm's only just stopped hurting since Saturday!!!! Hope that you have lots of fun with yours.

Lots of love Andy & Helen XX

Anonymous said...

Vicky, hi-
must say you look truly glam- not many can carry it off, but you seem to have managed it with ease, you chic chick!
Have fun with the Wii- now apparently one of the main cause of A+E visits for the 'middle yoof' I know lots of people with (probably red wine induced) pulled muscles, stubbed toes and even a dislocated shoulder...
Enjoy the sunshine!
Much love
Vanessa, Paul and girls

Helen said...

Are you sure that's a wig? It looks amazing!
Good choice. Hope you had a good time at the wedding this weekend. How lovely to have some good weather for a change.
Helen xx

ian dickens said...

Looking good. VERY intrested in the wig supplier for obvious reasons...

A work colleague is running the Bristol 10K for Cancer Research on September 30th and I have pointed him to your blog for inspiration.

http://www.10ksponsorme.org/jeffastle in case anyone wants to make a pledge.

Keep shining, our sunny girl.
Ian & Anne x

ian dickens said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

WOW - Vicky you look great!!!!
(not that you didnt before)

Glad to see you are still as Glam as ever. Hope it doesnt take too long to style in the mornings!!

Hope to see you soon.
Loads of love,

Hels & Lou xxxx oh and a very brown Lesa who has just got back from sunning herself in sunny Devon!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,

Fab wig! You look great!

Karen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

Nobody mentioned the big advantage of the wig - no nits!

Glad you are enjoying the weather and Iona's school holidays hope the weather stays nice.

How about a pink wig? just for parties? well maybe weekends too!

Mum's drinks as soon as school starts, I 'll try to get it organised,

Suzi xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting your wonderful pictures Vicky; great to see everyone smiling.

Have fun with the camera.,



Anonymous said...

How glamourous is that!

Vicky, I just wanted to say thank you for writing this amazing Blog. I know it's therapy for you but it's also therapy for the rest of us. It's great to be up to date with what's going on with you and to feel your courage, strength and humour through the words that you write.

See you soon,


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

Here, here to everyone's previous comments - the photos are great!

Saw Raych at the weekend and she is going to try and concoct a girly lunch date for us all one day soon..

Hang in there girl we all think you are amazing!

Lots of love


PS Dr Bahl is good!

Anonymous said...


You do look great with the wig - very glamorous - I am impressed. It must have been pretty traumatic to have had to say goodbye to your hair so thank goodness you were able to find such a good replacement. Hope you aren't feeling too exhausted and that you are continuing to enjoy the summer hols with Iona. Precious times for you all. See you soon

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

You look great! Love the new hair. And great to see a photo of Martin and Iona too. We have an early birthday party this weekend for Max so I'll email you a photo of 6 years old!

Have fun in the sunshine!

Love Ali x

Rod and Muir said...

Dearest Vicky - Well if you can pardon the expression - only you could deal with this situation `Head On`!
You look great with or without the wig. Once again your update and photos have shown each and every one of us what a truly remarkable young lady you really are. Your story must be so inspirational to so many people reading this blog - this very addictive blog! I find I am checking `your condition` first thing in the morning and last thing at night! Must be the maternal instinct or something like that! One thing I feel that never changes is your `state of mind` So positive and courageous - what a journey - what a girl!
Much love as always
Your friends in the North
Muir and Rod xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

Tracey here(Helen's friend)... for so many months I've been reading your blog and keeping up to date with your progress through Helen but I never truly knew what to write. Now I have seen your pictures of having your hair clipped and the wonderful wig you have and I really am humbled by your strength...Your wig looks so much better than mine !!! although mine was for very different reasons....Even the bandana looks cool!
I am thinking of you so much and I'm checking your blog everyday.
You really are a truly amazing woman and your positive attitude is overwhelming.
Keep practising on the Wii - my apologies for that as I think we may be to blame for introducing Helen and Andy to it!!!! its the only way I can win at 10 pin bowling!
My thoughts are with you, Martin and your beautiful daughter Iona.
Take care
Tracey (from Up't North...)