Wednesday, 19 September 2007


Hello all

Different author at this stop! We’ve had an eventful week. Vicky’s last entry left on her having a blood transfusion. Last Thursday. Well yet again it really didn’t live up to its reputation as an energy boost. In fact quite the opposite.

No sooner had John (the health care at home nurse) had packed up and left, Boom! There was a big change all right. Vicky said she felt sleepy. And went for a line down. And stayed there. Not like her as you all know.

Friday, was more of the same. She just didn’t seem to have any energy at all. Totally Floored. This was different, and a realization that this chemotherapy was for the first time on this journey really taking grip. I went to work for a few hours then pick Iona up form school and went home. Vicky was wrapped in a duvet on the sofa. Iona seemed to take it in her stride, she did ask why mummy was so tired and not doing anything. Then happily played albeit a bit quieter. Vicky even slept through England’s drubbing by South Africa (that probably was a blessing actually).

Saturday, Vicky had aches on her lower back, and still wasn’t eating much. The oral chemotherpy was getting very difficult to take as she must take them with food and she had completely lost her appetite.

Sunday we did manage to take Iona to Orla’s 6th Birthday. But it was a big effort for Vicky to stay. Two hours later Vicky was back home. Exhausted.

Vicky temperature had started to play up again. And it did go up and down during the weekend. 38.4 was worrying. So Monday sickness, Diahorra and loss of appetite were all taking it toll. Vicky had a CT scan on Monday afternoon. This had been planned by Dr Braybrooke. Results next Tuesday!

Finally on Tuesday went Ursula came to clean her line, and she decided to take some blood to check her levels. And within a few hours confirmed what we thought. Her Neutrophils (infection fighting) should be between 2 -8, Vicky’s were zero! And she was dehydrated. Hospital was our next stop. !!Luckily Joan had driven down that day to help, so she took over with Iona and I took V to the Oncology Centre.

And that’s where we’re at. They’re going to keep her in for a few days. Well until her Neutrophils are above 1. Also antibiotics and fluids. Dr B did phone last night (nice touch Dr B) and gave Vicky some fab news.. No more Oral chemotherapy for a while!!

I don’t get chance to say thanks on the blog, but every single entry gives V and me a huge lift so please keep posting.. They all mean a lot to us both. X


Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

Give Vicky all my best wishes for a speedy recovery to her usual self, and I hope you and Iona are doing OK too. Everything crossed for the results of the CT scan on Tuesday - shall be thinking of you all.

Karen x

Ian Dickens said...

Thank you for the update Martin. So much appreciated and it can't have been easy to write.

You are an amazing couple and the support and love you are giving Vicky and Iona is repeated and amplified by all of us. So as Vicky needs you, rest assured that behind you, there are hundreds of bus passengers doing our bit to hold you up.

We send you all our love.

Ian, Holly, Mike (and Anne, somewhere west of La Rochelle on-board Durban Clipper)x

Anonymous said...

Martin, Vicky

I've just cottoned to what you're going through. Kate and I feel so much for you.

Maybe you don't know, but Kate contracted breast cancer in early 2004 and had a mastectomy with lymph node involvement. From a quick spin through your blog, it looks like you're being seen by the same bods and a lot of your experiences are very familiar.

You probably barely remember Kate as she had to drop out of childcare shortly after George and Iona started Reception. The reason for that is Chronic Fatigue which means she has been housebound. She feels that this was caused by the harshness of the chemo and radio-therapy, but is in fact pretty positive on the cancer side.

It sounds like you've got a lot of help but if we can help with any practical taxi-ing stuff with Iona, call.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Martin - its' always good to hear from you on the blog, but such a shame it's grim news this time. No doubt Vicky will fight through this setback and we look forward to seeing her in the playground again soon. Remember, all us Mums are there to help in whatever way we can so just shout. Remember also to take care of yourself as well, as your health and strength will be really important in the months to come.

Give Vicky our love.

Diana, Matt, Sam and Daisy


Anonymous said...

Hi Martin (& Vicky),
So sorry to hear Vicky's feeling poorly, hope the food's good in hospital (at least you won't have to wear those lovely surgical stockings this time!!!) Let me know if you need anything - babysitting, kitty sitting or gossiping! Hope you'll be feeling better soon so I can show you my new pob!

Lots of love, Emma xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi to all of you- so sorry to hear that the bus has had to make this unexpected detour -here's hoping there is a speedy recovery-please send Vicky all our love.. and dont forget to rest up yourself, Martin, superheros need some time off too!
All the best,
Vanessa and co

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin

Hopefully everyting will be back on track again soon. Give Vicky my love and tell her I am chasing up the Grazia subscription - sounds like she could do with some VERY light reading.


Lizzie x

Helen said...

Hi Martin,
Thanks for the update. Tried to call tonight but guess you were out visiting. Give me a ring if you need anything including a visit this weekend if I can be of any help. My mobile number is on V's phone so phone/text anytime you want. As others have already said, please find time to look after yourself and take advantage of the offers of help. We all want you to be able to concentrate on Vicky and yourself and not have to worry about everyday tasks so feel free to delegate anything in my direction.
Pass on our love to Vicky and tell her I'm looking forward to catching up when she's feeling better. Much love, Helen and Andy xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

Thanks so much for informing us on Vicky, Martin. I hope she will get her neutrophil count up soon and have a good recovery. Please send her our love and know that we are thinking of you all.

Inge, Alastair, Thomas and Samuel

Luke Taylor said...

Hi Martin and Vicky

Sorry to hear you are in hospital, best wishes for Vicky's speedy recovery.

Martin we are in Cotham all weekend so please let us know if you need help of any type, Iona is very welcome to spend some time with us.

Take care and let Luke know if you need a beer or a running mate, would do him good to get beaten.

Lots of love

Suzi, Luke, Laura, Helena, Felix xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin

Blog updates have become important here too (as, clearly, in so many other places), so your news, however difficult, is welcome. Saw Joan in the playground today who reported that Vicky might be out of hospital tomorrow - all digits crossed that this happens or, at least, that things are looking up. If she stays in hospital any longer, they may have to employ crowd management staff to stem the flow! Give Vicky a big hug from us and take care of yourself.

Sandra, Emma, Antony & Sophie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the latest blog entry Martin. It helps all of us so much to keep up to date with what is happenning with you guys.
Let us know of anything we can do.
Send our love to Vicky. We're thinking of you all.

Annabelle and family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

Tough times down Bristol way - thinking of you very much. You're being wonderful, as ever, in caring for Vicky and letting her friends know how things are going. Please give her my love and I hope she's outa hospital very soon and back to her fighting fit self! Lots of love to you, Iona and Joan too.

Emma xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin, Vicky, Iona & Joan

Sorry to hear your in hospital Vicky, but hope you are out in time for the weekend.

We will be keeping our fingers (and toes) crossed for your results on Tuesday.

Loads of love and hugs, Hels & Lou xx

Anonymous said...

Lots of luck and love for a quick return home from hospital.

Like everyone else, keeping everything crossed for results on Tuesday.

If there's anything you need please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll be there (armed with the homemade shortbread)

Lots of love


p.s. Maya has seen the posters for the cricus and wanted to know why she wasn't going with Iona - her theatre / circus / dodgy ice skating event pal!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky and Martin
Sending you all best wishes for a speedy "Get out of hospital card" - don't think hospital food is always able to show the catering industry at its' best!
Thinking of you,
Wendy (TSN

Anonymous said...

Sending lots of love to you all, as with everyone else, all apendages crossed for positve news on Tuesday.

Thanks for the update Martin and though I am not close enough to Bristol and too pregnant to be of any real use, you are in my thoughts every day.

Zo, Mat, Murph, Stan and lump xx

Anonymous said...

Can't help thinking of you all. The news really floored me. I just wish I could package up some of my energy and give it to Vicky. If you need us to take Iona at all over the weekend please call. I'll drop by and give Vicky a copy of my new mag so she can laugh at the art editor's attempt to cut round my hair, although I suspect that even if she were feeling well it would still send her to sleep. Everyone wishes they could do more but I'm afraid all we can do is send our love.

Sarah xxx (and an extra x for Vicky's mum)

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

Lots of love to Vicky, Iona and of course your good-self from Lisa and me (Ian P). I guess the good news is that Vicky slept through England's performance last Friday - I was hurling shoes at the TV and tearing my hair out whilst away for the week with Lisa and my folks. My Mum cautioned me about my language. I wasn't expecting that at age 45!

You guys are in a place I can't even imagine let alone cope with. Keep going top soldiers and shout if there is anything we can do.

Normal rough and tumble stuff for us recently, having emerged unscathed from the Waterworld simulation over the Summer. Did anyone know what a bowser was before the floods?

I am so impressed with your 1:28 last week, Martin. You can hardly have been cranking out the miles of late - natural athlete or what! Plodder Patten is just 44 days away from the New York Marathon and hoping to get round in one piece.

Lots of love

Ian and Lisa

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin

Well that is not such good news. I hope Vicky did get out of hospital today and if not, that it's very soon. Finger's crossed for the scan results too.
Glad to hear you had a good holiday way up north and some time to try and forget about all this.
Fantastic time in your 1/2 marathon too. So many talents!

love to all,
Emma and Ian x

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

Have been offline only a few days but am shocked to read all these blog entries. You're really an amazing support and for all we know how strong V is, with you and her back-up she's got a fab team.

We think of you all so much and send our love to all. Keep fighting and keep the spirit as that's worth even more.

Love ALi xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin and Vicky!
Good to hear from you! I am sorry that Vicky is not feeling well at all! I hope she will be feeling better really soon! I'll be thinking of you.

Sanne, xx