Thursday, 13 September 2007

Night Fever, Night Fever

We seem to be getting into the habit of having little dramas just before treatments! This time, having got Iona back to school and successfully negotiating her gym party - 16 very tired and happy 6 year olds - I decided to develop night fevers. On Saturday night, I peaked at 39 degrees but feeling alright stayed where I was and it dropped down fairly quickly.

Iona and I went to support Martin in the Half Marathon on Sunday morning (an impressive 1hr 28mins!) and when my temperature started to creep up again in the afternoon, this time, I thought it wise to to take the advice of those whose medical knowledge is a bit more advanced than mine!! Off we went to The Oncology Centre for blood tests, Iona clutchng her enormous new cheetah from the Bear Factory and in a high state of excitement as her first tooth had just come out! I was so sure they were going to admit me - but it turned out that once again my red blood count is low (down to 8.4) but my infection-fighting white cells and neutrophylls are ok so I was packed off home with some oral anitbiotics....and they seem to be doing the trick..either that or it's down to my old friends, the steroids!!

So, I was ok for treatment on Tuesday. All passed uneventfullly but good to see Saint Ursula again - Martin took the opportunity to pick her brain on her carpentry skills as he battled to fit the new cat flap! We had our regular session with Dr B on Tuesday afternoon - he has suggested another blood transfusion so that's happening this home this time. Hope it gives me a bit more of a boost than last time. We'll know soon enough. Dr B is also planninng scans for a couple of weeks' time, before my next treatment, so we will know how things are going - it's a bit sooner than we expected but he is very optimistic that I will show a good response to the treatment. Fingers crossed. Obviously then, we would just carry on with the current treatment plan. Oh joy!!

Anyway, got to go as my new blood will be here soon!

Vicky xx


Anonymous said...

Bags first on the bus today !
Hi Vicky,
Good to speak to you earlier this week and hear the the high temperatures have stopped. You're doing great so keep at it. We'll all be keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed for your scans in a couple of weeks.
Remember to watch Scotland v Italy. Isabella and I will be cheering them on.
Much love Sarah.

Anonymous said...

H there Vicky - I was just wondering how things were going? Hope the new blood does the trick this time. Your experience has spurred me into going to my nearest blood bank to give them some of mine. In the meantime, maybe Dr B can prescribe you a restful week on the sofa watching the Rugby!
Lots of love
Vanessa and co

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,

Well done to Martin, sorry to hear about your dramas and good luck for the transfusion today - hope it gives you a good lift!

Look forward to seeing you next week.


Karen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,

Good luck with the transfusion - you're probably in the middle of it now so I hope you're full of beans by tonight.
Great news about Iona's tooth falling out. Millie lost her tooth on Saturday and was so excited when she saw the tooth fairy's note that she woke us up at 6.20am to tell us. It was worth it though!
Thinking of you lots.
Loads of love,

Rod and Muir said...

Hi Vicky
Hope that the red nectar is doing the trick and you are feeling full of beans! Well maybe not beans - but you know what I mean.
Funny old day today - we went down to see the Clipper fleet at the Albert Dock and lots of people from the past were in my mind !! Still get a bit of a thrill seeing the yachts - and a lump in my throat too! Such memories! It would be great if you were well enough to come and see them for yourself - I am sure Liverpool will give them a fantastic send off on Sunday!!
Anyway - well done to Martin - are you sure he didn`t get a blood transfusion too??
I am sure the tooth fairy visited Iona - what is the going rate for a tooth these days!!!
Keep up the good work - the bus, like the Clippers, needs to stay on an even keel.
Much love to you all
Your Friends in the North
Muir and Rod xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,
What a fab time Martin achieved in the half marathon.
Hope things stay uneventful on the health front and you have more time and energy to be out with Iona, the new tooth and cheetah! Sounds like there's lots of other stuff going on.
We're not getting much rugby coverage, its great to read about people excited about it on the blog. Scotland are cooking with gas this year, long may it continue!
Love Ali x

Anonymous said...


Sorry to hear you are having another blood transfusion. Luke donated another armful on Wednesday. Might donate some myself soon if I can get my wine count low enough! Hope you get some good stuff this time.

Well done Martin in the half marathon, respect to that man.

Enjoy as much rugby and shopping as you can this week.

Love Suzi Luke Laura Helena Felix xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky!
I just wanted to wish you good luck with your blood transfusion! Hope everything will be allright.
I might be coming to Bristol at the beginning of November, so hope to catch up with you!
Love, Sanne

Anonymous said...

I know this is a blog late - but I don't think I've ever been to Tantallon castle. I probably won't in the near future unless I manage to persuade my husband that Scotland can be a holiday destination...Maybe we'll start with a trip to Bristol, the boys would love to see Iona's Skye. Can we have a cat photo on the blog too? Loved your holiday snaps.

Keep the fever down, the blood up.
Much love to you all,
Claire, Vladi, Paul, Julien & Innes