Saturday, 3 March 2007

It's all over...

Well, I definitely saved the worst til last!! The comedy night, Emma's relaxation CD, my emergency parcel from Sue, Mum being here and the wonderful Saint Ursula couldn't stop this being really horrid - I was sick during and after and had to go to bed straight after and for most of yesterday. I couldn't even get out of bed to receive my Friday food delivery together with extra special end-of-treatment fizz delivery...and Margot had even gone to the trouble of putting in a special request for the special delivery man!! Martin's had to bandage my hand up so I can't see the big red veins on the back of my hand as the sight of them makes me wretch.

But enough of that - it's all over, the sun is shining and once I'm out of this familiar post-treatment blur, that fizz will be cracked open and we'll be celebrating. I feel as if an enormous weight has been lifted from me and I feel very happy.

I can't tell you how much you have all helped me through this - the messages that have made me laugh, the messages that have made me cry, the e-mails, the cards, the parcels, the phonecalls, the kind words in the playground - it would have been so much harder without you. Thank you so much - I feel truly humbled. It seems such a long time since those scary days in early November...and what a journey.

And while I'm on the Oscar speech, here's to Martin - what an amazing man - he's been to every appointment, sat with me through all the chemo sessions, he's held the bucket, he's been woken repeatedly in the middle of the night, he's resisted looking at the bank balance after my retail therapy indulgences, he's borne the brunt of the grumpiness and accepted quietly that his life has changed beyond all recognition. You don't really bargain for this when you get together with somebody but he's still here ready to do it all again if we have to. But for the next months we're all looking forward to having some more enjoyable experiences.

More soon.

Love Vicky x


Anonymous said...

Well done Vicki, well done all of you! You have dealt with your horrid treatment with such dignity, humour and determination and I'm so glad you're about to get a respite.
We'll all wait with baited breath for the next lot of news about the impact of the treatment and what next but in the meantime here's hoping that Spring weather comes quickly and you can make the most of your freedom. It's just a little unfortunate for Matin that this period will coincide with some lovely Spring collections in the shops!

I'll set my mind to arranging a YRM's night out very soon to celebrate.

Speedy recovery from the blur and love from all the Dysons.


Anonymous said...

Well done for completing your treatments.

Here's to a Summer of Sun, holidays and happiness.


Anonymous said...

Been thinking of you and sorry to hear this last one was so awful but at least it is the last one and it's all over now. Well done - you're amazing! Hope you get over this last one soon and you can enjoy life without having to think about what's in store in another 3 weeks time.

Hope we might see you this weekend?

Lots of love and big hugs from Judy, Steve, and Ellie xxxxx

ian dickens said...

After the darkness of winter comes the first flush of spring - the season of re-birth and new energies. The daffs are out, lambs are in the fields, the blossom is frothing on the boughs and the Champers is in your fridge. It's in ours too and we'll drink very firmly to your health and a year of positive progress. We're humbled by all of you. Much love,
Ian & Anne Dickens X

Anonymous said...

I am sending you some positive spring vibes (and some nasty vibes for the evil cells). Looking forward to Diana's YRM's night out.

Tall Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky! Finally, the last treatment is over! Sorry to hear that this one was so awful but you have done so well! I have been thinking of you here in Holland. I hope you will have a wonderful time enjoying the Spring and Summer!
Love, Sanne

Anonymous said...

Pour yourself a large glass of fizz - you deserve it! Big shout to Martin as well, what a star. Thinking of you lots and see you soon (or maybe bump into you in the shops!)

Big hug
Angie xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

Sorry to hear that this treatment was so horrid. I'm glad to hear that you had the full backup team of your Mum, Martin and Iona,(and the special delivery man from Tesco).

Once you are feeling better you can convert the fuzzyness to FIZZYNESS.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Andy XX

PS I knew Martin was special the first time I snogged him ;-0)

Anonymous said...

Well done to both of you. Martin really has been fab by the sound of it. I'm so glad that it's all over and you can look forward to some well earned relaxing, holidaying, sunshine and hapiness.
What's the deal on the Tesco man ? Is there something I'm missing here ?
See you really soon. Love Barney.

Anonymous said...

Gosh you've brought a tear to my eye Vicky. Well done once again and enjoy the champagne. Tell Martin that we all think that he has been truly brilliant. You picked well there girl. You've all been brilliant. It has been a privilege to share this journey with you. I would prefer not to get back on the bus but if it has to be I will be booking a front seat. Enjoy yourself. Speak soon.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching the end of this course of treatment-we have been thinking of you every step of the way. Enjoy the break from it-you truly deserve it. Will be in touch via J and S as will be around your neck of the woods at Easter and would love to meet up and raise a glass to your determination and courage. Lots of love Vicki, Laurence,Lucia and Oscar xxx

Anonymous said...

well done Vicky, you did it. We hope that you have a great spring and that you enjoy your well-earned champagne. Hope you come out of the blur very soon.

With lots of love

Lisa, John, Finn, Millie & Hamish xxxxx

Helen said...

Hi there,
Phew ! So glad you finally got to the end of all the horrible stuff. Hopefully you are feeling much better now and getting excited about all the trips you have planned. We're both looking forward so much to seeing you all at Easter. It seems ages since last December. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a wonderful spring and summer so you can enjoy some long, lazy days ahead. Tell Iona to get her wand packed and we'll see you all very soon,
love, Helen xx

Rod and Muir said...

Hi Vicky
What a journey - but you stuck it out and made it to the last stop. What an achievement! you have had such a positive attitude and been so strong we have been both impressed and humbled at the same time. As for Martin - what is it they say - behind every great man etc - well let`s just re-phrase that - behind this great lady is a truly great man - and we love and admire you both!
(Sorry we haven`t been in touch for a while - sadly Murphy was killed a few weeks ago and we are finding it very hard without her)
Fancy a weekend break in Liverpool when you get a bit stronger???
Much love
Muir and Rod xxx

Anonymous said...

Great news Vicky!

So glad you finished those sessions, sorry to hear about the sickness but I hope that the spring weather and energies help you burst with a new blossoming energy.

Enjoy yourself over the next few weeks and give my love to the SAHA girls!

Love Ali xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well done you!Can't imagine what a relief it must feel to finally hop off the bus and into the sunshine- we have all been thinking of you and have been so impressed at your fighting spirit! Get stuck into the fizzy stuff(I guess you probably still can't face vodka after a certain lightning tour from Lyon quite a few years ago). Hope to catch up with you in person whenever you are able to tear yourself away from the spring bargains and Mr. Tesco (Sainsburys here only provide a ropier, older, smellier kinda guy- oh well!)
Much love to you all
Vanessa, Paul and girls

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky and Martin,

What an ace team - you have been though something dark and terrible together and emerged the other side amazingly positive and ready for whatever the future holds.

Such a relief the last session's over now, and you can look forward to rebuilding your strength Vicky. You are so special and as lots of fellow-bus-travellers have written, it has been a privilege to be on the journey with you and like them I'll stay on wherever the route goes from here.

For now, enjoy your freedom from the needles and nausea and have a fantastic spring with that wonderful man of yours. Can't wait to be seeing you and spoiling you in a couple of weeks time!

Love, Emma xx

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that you are finished with your treatment - you sound like you have handled it amazingly, and Martin sounds great too. Good luck with the next few months, sending lots of love to all 3 of you,

Jenny, Mat, Millie + Amber x