Thursday, 16 August 2007

Five days off

Five days without drugs...not that I've been having a bad time with the oral chemotherapy but it feels good not to have to think about it. I'll be back on the steroids for three days from Monday and then round 2 starts on Tuesday. We've got Nicky the nurse booked in to come round early on Tuesday and do the deed and then we're planning to jump in the car and drive up to Edinburgh for a few days at the Fringe and then a week in a cottage on the west coast with Anna, Ed, Ewan and Caitlin and lots of games. Hopefully, I'll feel as well as I did last time. It'll be good to spend some time with Martin - at the moment he comes home from work, we eat and I go to bed!

We saw Dr Braybrooke on Tuesday - he's very pleased with the way that I'm tolerating the treatment. My reward is that he's now thinking that we might go for 6 or even 8 rounds of this combination although the scans after round 3 or 4 will dictate that. He is confident that I will show a good response. When I told him that we had a holiday booked that clashes with treatment number 5, he said that we could delay the treatment by a week. I'm liking him more and more!!

I've been a bit paranoid that three weeks of steroids had made me put on weight but I was feeling confident that I'd got away with it until I came downstairs the other morning and Iona was staring at me. When I asked what she was looking at, she said, 'Your face looks even rounder!' The truth hurts!! She and I have been having a ball this week - Iona has had a riding lesson, we've been to the cinema, seen lots of friends and last night we went to Scooby Doo Live on Stage. I'd forgotten how much I fancied Shaggy when I was younger!!

Not going to work is great but I've had to set myself a few rules - no daytime TV unless it's cricket, Rugby World Cup or any other good sport and no trashy magazines unless I'm feeling rubbish. I think I need to add internet shopping to that list - even the postie has commented on the number of parcels being delivered!! Well, it is Iona's birthday in 10 days and it was the Fat Face sale!!!

So, all is well with us.

Vicky xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,

Glad all is going so well. Good luck with round two next week - and have a fantastic holiday in Scotland.


Karen x

Anonymous said...


Well done with your progress, the positive way you are attacking this is amazing. Good luck next week.

Hope you enjoy your visit to Scotland, I'm sad I couldn't make it up there when I was in the UK in May. There's nothing quite like a good dose of home - especially Edinburgh.

Leave internet shopping on the list! You just need a Canadian style mailbox outside your front door and then it will gather the parcels for you and you can sneak them in when no one is looking!

Love Ali x

Anonymous said...

Now you come to mention it there is a spooky resemblance between the cartoon Shaggy and your bloke - are they in some way related?

I quite fancied Daphne.

Have a great time up North and we'll see you when you're back.

Do you think it would be worth looking in AutoTrader for another bus - this one is getting pretty packed - we could go in convoy but need an additional driver and conductor - PSV license not necessary but good SOH essential. any volunteers?

Love Shane

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, like, you know what Daphne, that Martin bloke does look a bit like me!" - Sure I remember something similar in one of the episodes!

Have a great holiday.

Luke & family

Anonymous said...

My word, it's a long time since I thought about those French weekends! They were such a giggle.
How about a London bendy bus? Great fun and lots of room on board.
Anyway, Claire's keeping me up to date with your news and I'm sending you big hugs and lots of positive vibes. Hope you have a terrific holiday and that the midges don't bite.
Much luv, Charlotte xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,
Its Saturday and Zesa have been kind to us and given us power! The only problem being that I am at work now to make the most of it, though as you can see I have my priorities straight and checked your site first! Nick is hunting so I am home alone with the dogs even visits to camp are out as I have had flu all week and daren't speak to a client for fear of giving it to them. I have enjoyed plenty of trashy magazines while in bed, so please continue reading them - at least yours are not two months out of date and from another country! At least you can watch day time TV, our TV viewing has been reduced to waiting for the best programmes and putting the generator on! So enjoy it guilt free!
Glad you are off on holiday, have a lovely time. It was great to see the photos on the last message.
(Zim one, though you probably worked that one out already!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky

Big hugs from the Thefaut family - you are an inspiration to us all.

Be sure to stop by if the bus is venturing anywhere near Granby Hill

All our love

Ben, Bex, Tom , Fred and Jemima

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky!
It is good to hear that everything is going really well! I hope you will enjoy your trip to Scotland, and I might see you soon, because I am planning my trip to Bristol!
Lots of Love, Sanne xxx