Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Waiting to see what happens..

I had my first treatment of round two yesterday - by the time Nicky the nurse got here after 6 o'clock we'd already managed a bonus day in the sun which was lovely.

To me, it seemed like so much less of an ordeal than the previous treatments - no needles in the back of the hand, just a quick plug into my line and off it went, no giant syringes of pink liquid, just one small bag of clear fluid (taxotere/docetaxel) and no shivering under the blankets because of the miserable cold caps. And,no sickness at all!

This morning I started on the oral chemotherapy - 1800mg of delightful-coloured pinky/orange capecitabine tablets to be taken twice a day 30 minutes after breakfast and supper. The main side effects of this combination of drugs are expected to be debilitating tiredness and aching joints but, in my book, anything is better than nausea. And, from tomorrow, I can start to wean myself off the I might even be able to look forward to a decent's night sleep!!

So, I'm just waiting to see what happens next but in the meantime, Iona and I will just keep on enjoying the holidays. I might even go out tonight!

Vicky xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky, hope you're reading this after getting home from your night out! Glad the sun is shining on you and Iona and I hope you get a good night's sleep soon. Keep fighting lovely, there's a whole army of us with you every step of the way. Angie xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Vicky,
I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that you won't get any nasty side-effects. It sounds good so far. I'm relieved. May the sun keep shining in Bristol for you ! Big hugs.
Love Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky, I've been away from your blog for a month as we've been moving and have only just unburied the computer, so am reeling with the shock of your latest news. Just can't imagine how you begin to face all this and prepare Iona. The emotional pain must be excrutiating.All all our love and warm hugs. Priscilla, Jens &

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky my love,

God where do I start, I've missed the last few blog entries and in true Vicky fashion, a lot happens fast in your life. I have read your last few entries in one go now and 'bloody bollocks' - not good!

I've got tears in my eyes as I write because it's just not god damn fair. You are a beautiful person, that's with or without hair (at least you'll be able to carry off the Sinead look just fine), and you just carry on enjoying life.

You, Iona and Martin all love each other and that's what makes people happy so just concentrate on being happy.

With lots of love as always and thinking of you all the time.

Bexs xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky, you fought off this morning's rain, and the sun shone again. Keep fighting.

I hope the side effects are not to grim,

See you soon lovely girl. Laura would love to see Iona next week if she is available. Apparently Iona has lots of friends, just like her Mummy!!

Suzi, Luke, Laura,Helena, Felix xxx

Rod and Muir said...

Dear Vicky
The sun is really shining on you - thank goodness things went well for you with the treatment yesterday - and fingers crossed that it stays fine! Seems like the bus is on a pleasant enough route -hopefully with no detours into the valleys - just riding high for the rest of the journey! Long may it remain a pleasant route!
Here`s to another sunny day - enjoy the moment!!
Much love - as always
Your Friends in the North
Muir and Rod xxx

Anonymous said...

Vicky - even in the rain your attitude and positive vibes make it sunny and if you're feeling a bit cloudy come and read your site for warmth as your bus load of people are oozing rays of sunshine & hope on your behalf.

We're away for a week but will be thinking of you all and hope the tablets are doing some positive work without side effects.

Love Ali and gang xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky, I have been very slack at writing and sympathize with everyone who has mentioned that they can’t find the right words to express themselves. My “Doctor” part of me would say something practical and banal and the gibbering girl would ramble on. But both agree that it’s not fair and you are all truly amazing, rising to meet every challenge. And your friends… you are clearly very lucky with that lot too.
You are in my prayers.

Love Jim (Bristol clipper)

Anonymous said...

Dear Vicky,

I am so shocked to read about all the events that happened in your life since our last Archfield mums’ night out. I wish I could say something, do something that would help you to deal with this. You are such a fantastic person with the way you have dealt with this little devil sofar. Keep fighting and make sure you enjoy the small precious moments in life. You, Iona and Martin are in my thoughts all the time.

With love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky,
Hope you are still enjoying the good weather and the treatment is bearable. Will pop you an e-mail and see if we can get together soon. Lots of love to you, Iona and Martin.
Marina xxxx

Anonymous said...


Have just logged onto your site for an update and was shocked and saddened by what I read. But as always you are the 'Tower of Strength' I send all my love and strength. Keep fighting and keep soaking up that love from Martin, Iona and all your wonderful friends.
Take care - Pam Golding - Bristol Marriott Royal