Sunday, 9 December 2007

Dog Nappers!

Hi All

We had some drama here this weekend. Joan was out shopping on Friday afternoon, she’d taken Frankie with her, tied her up when she popped into a shop. When she came out after only being there for a minute or two, Frankie was nowhere to be seen. As luck would have it a community police woman was walking passed. Joan ran up to her and explained the dog was gone. Then to her utter horror the policewoman said she’d just seen a couple walking passed her with a small dog under his jacket!

They both searched in vain for this couple, but eventually had to stop as there was no sign of them. Joan was so upset. As we all were. So Joan call the local paper to see if they’d put a small piece about Frankie. Well when the reporter found out there was a very human side to this story he wanted pictures. And we thought if it was going to help, why not?

A photographer came round late on Friday night and took a pictures of Iona & Joan holding a picture of Frankie. He had to take a few pictures, because Iona wanted to smile! Not good for the heart strings a happy child who’s just lost her favourite dog in the whole wide world!!

On Saturday morning Joan, Iona and I went to the Gloucester Road with posters, and successfully persuaded shop keepers to put them in their windows. We all felt so helpless. Dogs home on standby. We managed the school Christmas fair.

No sooner had we got back home Saturday evening I had a call from a man saying he’d found Frankie that morning. He was very difficult to understand, I thought he sounded drunk. I did eventually get his address, only after he asked me about the reward! And saying my first offer wasn’t much! Now I wasn’t sure if I was being held to ransom, but we just wanted Frankie back. Could this 60 year old man be the mastermind behind it all? Or did he just find Frankie that moring? Paid him anyway.. 10 minutes later Frankie was in the back of my car going bonkers and licking Iona to bits!

Phew! Our emotions were absolutely shot! We were all over joyed to have her back. Joan has vowed never to leave Frankie outside a shop again.

The end!

The generosity from you all was amazing and you donated over £1,650 for St. Peters Hospice and £750 for Zimbabwe Association. Thank you.

I’m not bothering watching Sports personality this year doesn’t seem quite so interesting without V telling me who’s going to win and who shouldn't. Joan is helping so much at the moment which has taken a lot of pressure of me. Well, when she's not trying to get into the papers that is !

Hope you’re all ok.

Martin x.


Ian Dickens said...

Delighted that this story had a happy ending Martin and really pleased that the bus is still travelling and you are keeping us posted from the driving seat.
I'm out on Oz for the Clipper race and not back in the UK until Feb. I want to make a donation for the wonderful folk who cared for Vicky with such compassion and apologise that it will be a little late. All the very best. Ian & Anne

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,
As Ian says, it's great that you keep on blogging.
What a funny story about Frankie - did you pay the ransom then ?
We hope Iona, Joan and you are all keeping strong and please keep us up to date with all your adventures and other hairy dog stories.
Love from Sarah (Milano).

Anonymous said...

Cant believe how low some people can be, so nice to read the blog today with a new post, and of course that dear old frankie had been found.
Next time these dog nappers should try stealing my three year old chocolate labrador, believe me they would be paying me a Kings ransom to come get him, of course I would, but not for a couple of days!! Vicky used to laugh alot at the escapades of my then puppy, and the grey hairs he seemed to put on my relatively young head!

I hope you are all keeping well and that Iona is managing to stay her beautiful chirpy self and is looking forward to the iminent arrival of Father Christmas.

It is lovely to hear how you are keeping martin,I didnt get to meet you at the funeral as I had to gwt back quite quick as had left the new baby with grand parents for the first time, but I hope our paths cross in the future, and hope to read more blogs in the future

Much love
Zoe, Mat and Izzie - aged 6 weeks today x

Anonymous said...

Hi All

I am so pleased and relieved to hear that Frankie is back home safely! I was going to ring and offer to put up posters around Gloucester Road for you. It's a small world - my Uncle spotted the story in the paper as it turns out he used to know Vicky from her blue badge guide days.

Emma xx

Anonymous said...

So pleased you got Frankie back. Can you believe it - on top of everything else you've all had to contend with.

As we just said in the office, Vicky would have seen the funny side of this, although I'm sure you were all distressed at the time. I know how I would feel if it were Marley. I used to tie him up outside the big Tescos in Exeter, and Steve used to say to me "Someone will take him if you do that". He was quite offputting though as he barked continually until I came back, and he's got a big bark too - very embarassing - I'm talking about Marley by the way, and not Steve!!

Love to you all, Judy, Steve, Ellie, and Marley xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

So relieved that Frankie is safe and well. I can tell you that news of Frankie's loss, made it all the way to me in Australia! My Mum sent me a text message to tell me!

I can really imagine how scary that would have been to lose her. Like you, I would have paid any money to get my dog back! They are worth every penny!

Thanks for keeping in touch. I still find myself regularly checking the blog - just to find comfort and read Vicky's words. So it's great that we are all still using this to keep in touch.

Lots of Love

Sarah & Skip xx

Rod and Muir said...

Dear Martin and Iona
What great joy it is to find that the bus continues on its journey. We have, through habit, checked the blog on a daily basis and hoped that soon there would be a driver who would take to the wheel again. The dissappointment at not reading any new entries to date has now turned to great delight! You are now in that special seat and all of the passengers on the bus will need regular updates as, I really hope, this journey is going to go on for a very long time.
What a great story to open with!!! Frankie`s adventure cetainly turned out for the best - and with hopes that the dog nappers are visited by a raging plague, I am sure you are all very relieved to have her back.
I am really pleased to see that you very kindly furnished us all with a photo of your trio - now we know what Frankie looks like too!!! A very handsome and brave little dog - thankfully at home where she belongs!!
Keep your spirits up - Christmas will be a time of mixed emotions, but Iona will be the star of the show - ably accompanied now by Frankie - who no doubt will take the biscuit!!!
Much love to you Iona and Joan,
From Your Friends in the North
Muir and Rod xxx

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks for the update Martin! we'd seen the article in the papers and I felt so sorry for poor Joan - thank heaven you got him back.
Anyway, if you can, keep blogging we'd like to know how you and Iona are getting on.
Thinking about you, lots of love
Kate x

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,

So pleased you got Frankie back. Iona must be over the moon. Going to the papers and putting posters into shops is really resourceful! How could anyone steal a dog though! Crazy world, eh!

I hope you are all doing as well as is possible under the current circumstances. It's sweet to think that Iona wanted to smile in the photograph.

I am really pleased that you are continuing to write updates. I too have been checking the blog regularly. Keep blogging and big hug all the way from freeeeeezing Edinburgh.

Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

So pleased that Frankie was returned safely! Whatever next?!
Good to see that the blog continues - I too check regularly and hope that you are all doing OK in the circumstances.
Fingers crossed for no more news-worthy dramas!
Love, Karen x

Anonymous said...

Hi Martin,
So glad that you managed to get Frankie back - poor Joan, she must have been so worried and upset.

Thankyou for keeping the blog going, like Sarah I pop in regularly to read Vicky's words. I'm glad you've taken over the driving seat on the bus at this difficult time.

Lots of love to you, Iona, Joan, Frankie & Skye,

Marina xx

Anonymous said...

We too regularly check the blog site and are thinking of you and wondering how you are all fairing - much better now that Frankie has been returned home. Skye however must have been quite relieved not to have a dog around or are they best friends too!?

With much love

Lizzie, Scott and Elouise

Helen said...

If we lived in Bristol, I would have been checking under Oakley's bed for the dog - he would so love one. He tells himself the 3 worms in the garden are his pets, but I know he's just looking on the bright side.

Anyway, just a quick note to say I have been thinking of you all lots in the run up to Christmas.

You will continue to be in our thoughts over the festive period and into 2008.

I do hope that the smooth liquid of joy and laughter can start to fill the gaps between the harsh shones of grief as you begin the New Year.

And I hope you can take some comfort from knowing that so many people are thinking of you and wishing you all the very very best.

with love
Helen, Quent and Oakley.

Helen said...

Hi Martin,
I'm also a regular checker of the blog for the latest updates. I believe the original idea came from Helen and Quentin and what a great idea it has proved to be. How wonderful to know that everyone is still sitting comfortably with you and Iona on our bus. Keep blogging, Martin, this bus still has a long way to go !

Anonymous said...

Dear Martin and Iona,

Still thinking of you lots and checking the blog. Very happy to see it continuing and relieved to read Frankie came home safe and sound in the end!

I hope the excitement of Christmas for Iona helps lift yours and Joan's spirits over the next week. We'll be thinking of you all and send our love.

Ali xxx

Rod and Muir said...

To Martin and Iona and the travellers on the bus
We just wanted to tell you - and hope it won`t cause a fuss -----

The bus is due to stop a while -
a rest is needed badly
And seeing as its Christmas - a break it`ll take quite gladly.

In fact the offer to help Santa -
deliver presents and good wishes
Went down just like a lead balloon
with reindeers grunts and hisses

Rudolph and his pals you see - thought a bus is not quite right
To travel across a star lit sky - on such a special night

Well - the garage looks more cosy and the rest will be a treat
and we look forward to getting back on the road again - be sure to book your seat.

We haven`t forgotten our dearest pal - I`m sure she would approve-
this poem is just a silly one but sent with so much love
It`s really for Iona - as she waits for Christmas day
But our good wishes are for everyone - yes - delivered by bus
and not a sleigh!
Merry Christmas - our thoughts are with you.
From your Friends in the North
Muir and Rod xx
(No Martin we haven`t been at the sherry - just thought a few light hearted words might help to lift your spirits xx)

Anonymous said...

People should read this.